Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How you know when you're in the right

SHORT ANSWER - When you get smacked in the forhead for your troubles.

Those of you who may remember fondly (and I know there are a lot of you, I got a lot of emails) the "BUS DRIVERS IN ADELAIDE MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" incident will understand why this post comes under Religion and Philosophy (that's just how passionate I am about this topic), and will appreciate this post. (For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I've reposted it here from MySpace as the very first entry in this blog).

Today I had business in town and my sister had our car. It had been raining and mud was afood. Pride, following the previous (aforementioned) incident, dictated that I should not catch the bus.
That said my shoes are pretty. So I bit the bullet and toddled along to the scene of the previous crime (ie. the bus stop near my house).

Once there I got chatting (as I do, I'm a friendly person) to the lady next to me at the bus stop. She mentioned that she ived the area and caught the bus regularly. I informed her that I do not catch the bus regularly as some evil devil's spawn Hitleresque bus driver tried to run me over and then fine me for it the first time I ventured out of my flat.

"What did he look like?" the lady queried. I described him to her (as you can imagine, very descriptively with a lot of similes and metaphors pertaining to Satanism).

"Yep, he sounds like the one!" she said.

My ears pricked up like scooby-doo at this tone of recognition. Could it be....?

It was. (The same dude I mean). What followed was a tale of rudeness and insensitivity that left me shocked and appalled.

APPARENTLY this lady caught the bus with this very driver one day and was first in line to get off near the automatic doors. QUite by chance, a bottle had fallen in the grooves of the door rail. At one stop, the button was pushed and the driver opened the doors. The bottle caused them to slam shut without anyone being given the chance to get off. Not paying any attention, the driver failed to notice no one had gotten off and kept moving. The members of the line called for him to stop, and he did, showing clear annoyance as he did so.

In a bid to prevent the door incident happening again the woman (telling me the story) bent over to remove the bottle. The bus driver pushed the lever to open the doors.
She ended up sprawled on the floor with a cut on her forhead and luckily not missing an eye because she'd been wearing sunglasses.

There was a rush to help her to her feet.

Not so the bus driver! The bus driver stormed own the aisle to view the damage and bellowed "What id you think you were doing you silly cow?" (not sure if this is the exact wording, this is just what the woman told me).

The bus as a collective (by that I mean the people on it) was outraged. The driver's anger was only assuaged as people began giving the woman their phone numbers, volunteering to be a witness if "need be". A prominent local solicitor, big on writing big letters to big people in big places offered her services.

HOW LONG must the bus patrons of St Peter's suffer? Will we allow this mad man to domineer us and bully us into tax-paying submission forever? Will our cheap mode of transport be tainted forever by this man's wretchful hold on us all?

I hope not. I don't think so. He hasn't driven a bus of mine since our encounter.

In conclusion - bus drivers in Adelaide are on crack. I've worked some really shit jobs before but I've never yelled at anyone for getting smacked in the forehead.

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