Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ten Ways You Know You're Having a Bad Week

This is for all the people who thought my last post was a bit over-confident, haha! This week brought me back down from my euphoria a little.

1. You didn't change the address for your phone bill and you're only now being told last months bill didn't direct debit properly, and that you have to pay it. Now. As well as the current bill.
2. You're so popular on an internet dating site (yes I tried internet dating, I had a boring Saturday night and thought it would be funny, and a bit of a social experiment, judge me if you will!) your phone bill goes through the roof because they charge to receive SMS notifications of responses to your ad.
3. Not only that but some telemarketing fuckers (ironic, seeing as I am one), got hold of my number and charged $5 a pop (NOT INCLUDED IN MY CAP WHICH I WAS NOT AWARE OF) to send ME sms.
4. Your internet's not working and you're a hopeless blogging addict.
5. No one in your group at uni is motivated for the assignment and seems to think the most verbal person in the group (me) wants to not only take charge, but do all the work, when nothing could be further from the truth.
6. Some dude you think is alright but you're just not that interested in keeps being annoyingly awesome and kind, making you feel like a complete mole for being too busy to, and not really wanting to, go out with him (and even worse, for liking someone else).
7. Your Mum visits with no notice, and, as mothers do, criticises every asepct of your entire existence whilst taking none of the credit for the way you turned out (wait until she hears about the phonebill). Love you Mum!
8. The bank charges you dishonour fees because your phonebill ate up all your money adding another pile onto the expenses.
9. The registration on your car is up already and re-newing it is not only expensive but inconvenient.
10. You really really really really really want to go to the Christina Aguilera concert but now you'll be dialling rednecks in Central NSW every night for the next month and eating soup cold out of the can because your so scared your electricity bill might be anything like your phone bill that you're too scared to use your microwave.
Don't worry people, I got it covered. Just have to work full shifts for a while. 3 (my phone carrier) were really nice and knocked the spam SMS off my bill ($70!!!!). Moreover, I figure the dating website SMS paid for themselves in free dinners (and good company)!
My sister has the car so if she kills anyone SHE can be the one who gets sued. And I like soup.
And I was exaggerating, I don't actually own a microwave...

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